Venom of Lust

March 17, 2014; a friend at facebook 
posted this truth on her wall:

The mind cannot dictate or teach the heart. Where your heart is the mind follows. A person who is loving God will direct his desires in pleasing God.

  • ArlenKali -indeed...although, the external affects the internal; as to some people, what's in their minds are their heart's desire..nmste ma'm Rhea.

  • Rhea Namaste sir ArlenKali  .. thanks for elaborating the thought.. the statement can still generate wisdom such as how to conquer the mind and that is to make the heart pure again.. and many more great insights. hb!

  • ArlenKali  ..oh please elaborate and educate us Ma'am, it's your duty to do so:-) the name of Lord Gauranga Hb!

    Gopala versus Kaliya
  • Rhea If the venom of lust is extricated from me as krsna's names dance in my lips just like when sweet Gopala dances on the head of the venomous serpent kaliya, then I will be able to see clearly and apply what is realized, in this state one is qualified to represent Gauranga... its our desire to have the desire to be in this state.. hb.

  • ArlenKali ...heavy and absolutely true; elaborately expressed even further than i expect....reminds me of someone who needs extrication: me:-( nmste..thankyou Haribol!

  • Rhea HARIBOL!!! 

    (Haribol...the ultimate good will,
    chant the names of Hari
    chant the names of God.}

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